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Research Database

Manitoba Canola Growers works to fund, direct, develop and distribute practical, science-based research.


MCGA is strengthening its network of research collaborations, increasing the value for every research dollar. We are focused on building a better communication network with our members so the research results come back to the farm faster.


*This new research database will continue to be updated over time. Not all research funded by MCGA is archived on this page at this time.

Start year End Year Research Area(s) Title Researcher(s)
2017 2019 Variety Assessment Field Evaluation of a Valuable Germplasm Resource Designed to Dissect Complex Traits in Brassica napus (the Nested Association Mapping population) Sally Vail - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Saskatoon) , Henry Klein-Gebbinck - AAFC: Saskatoon, Isobel Parkin - AAFC (Beaverlodge)
2017 2022 Diseases Monitoring the Race Dynamics of Leptosphaeria maculans for Effective Deployment and Rotation of Resistance Genes for Sustainable Management of Blackleg of Canola in Western Canada Gary Peng - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Saskatoon), Fengqun Yu - AAFC (Saskatoon)
2017 2020 Agronomic Practices Compaction Impacts on Canola Establishment Curtis Cavers - AAFC (Portage La Prairie), Byron Irvine - Agricultural Credit Corporation, John Fitzmaurice - AAFC (Winnipeg), Lorne Grieger - PAMI
2017 2020 Agronomic Practices Pre-harvest Herbicide and Desiccation Options for Straight-combining Canola: Effects on Plant and Seed Dry-down, Yield, and Seed Quality Chris Holzapfel - Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation (IHARF), Stewart Brandt - Northeast Agriculture Research Foundation, Jessica Weber - Western Applied Research Corporation, Ken Coles - Farming Smarter, Kabal Gill - Smokey Applied Research and Demonstration Association, Nirmal Hari - Prairies East Sustainable Agriculture Initiative
2018 2020 Diseases Canadian Canola Clubroot Cluster (C3): Host-pathogen Biology and Interaction Bruce D. Gossen - AAFC, Mary Ruth McDonald - University of Guelph, Gary Peng - AAFC (Saskatoon), Fengqun Yu - AAFC SRDC, Sheau-Fang Hwang - Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Stephen Strelkov - University of Alberta
2018 2023 Diseases, Variety Assessment Canadian Canola Clubroot Cluster (C2): Developing Novel Resistance Resources and Strategies to Address the New Threat of Clubroot Canola Production on the Prairies Gary Peng - AAFC (Saskatoon), Fengqun Yu - Saskatoon Research and Development Centre (AAFC), Habibur Rahman - Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science (U of A), Rudolph Fredua-Agyeman - Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (Crop Diversification Center North)
2018 2022 Animal Health Benefits of Canola Products Canola Meal to Improve Efficiency and Sustainability of Dairy Production: Filling Knowledge Gaps Chaouki Benchaar - AAFC Sherbrooke Research Centre, Karen Beauchemin - AAFC Lethbridge Research and Development Centre, Fadi Hassanat - AAFC Sherbrooke Research Centre
2018 2020 Animal Health Benefits of Canola Products Gut Health and Digestive Physiology of Nursery Pigs and Broiler Chickens fed Canola Coproducts-based Diets Tofuko Woyengo - South Dakota State University , Joy Scaria - South Dakota State University
2010 2011 Variety Assessment Screening for Flower Blast Tolerance in Canola Malcolm Morrison - AAFC
2016 2017 Agronomic Practices Determining Best Practices for Summer Storage of Canola Joy Agnew - Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute, Jay Mak - Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute