Research Database

Manitoba Canola Growers works to fund, direct, develop and distribute practical, science-based research.


MCGA is strengthening its network of research collaborations, increasing the value for every research dollar. We are focused on building a better communication network with our members so the research results come back to the farm faster.


*This new research database will continue to be updated over time. Not all research funded by MCGA is archived on this page at this time.

Start year End Year Research Area(s) Title Researcher(s)
2013 2018 Agronomic Practices, Agronomy Research, Canola varieties that do well in water saturated soil, Pre Commercial Variety Assessment, Variety Assessment Investigating Tolerance of Canola Genotypes to Heat and Drought Stresses, and Root Traits Estimation by Electrical Capacitance Bao-Luo Ma - AAFC - ECORC, Rob Duncan - University of Manitoba
2018 2021 Variety Assessment Enhancing Yield and Biomass in Canola by Modifying Carbohydrate Metabolism Michael J. Emes - University of Guelph, Ian J. Tetlow - University of Guelph
2016 2017 Variety Assessment Evaluation of Open Pollinated (OP) Lines Rale Gjuric - Haplotech, Inc.
2017 2019 Variety Assessment Field Evaluation of a Valuable Germplasm Resource Designed to Dissect Complex Traits in Brassica napus (the Nested Association Mapping population) Sally Vail - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Saskatoon) , Henry Klein-Gebbinck - AAFC: Saskatoon, Isobel Parkin - AAFC (Beaverlodge)
2018 2023 Diseases, Variety Assessment Canadian Canola Clubroot Cluster (C2): Developing Novel Resistance Resources and Strategies to Address the New Threat of Clubroot Canola Production on the Prairies Gary Peng - AAFC (Saskatoon), Fengqun Yu - Saskatoon Research and Development Centre (AAFC), Habibur Rahman - Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science (U of A), Rudolph Fredua-Agyeman - Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (Crop Diversification Center North)
2010 2011 Variety Assessment Screening for Flower Blast Tolerance in Canola Malcolm Morrison - AAFC