Canola Research Hub

The Manitoba Canola Growers are proud to be a strong funding partner in the research summarized in the Canola Research Hub.


The Canola Research Hub translates agronomy research findings into tangible on-farm practices that result in great productivity and profitability – TOP SCIENCE FOR THE BOTTOM LINE.

This database started off by hosting the results of all 31 studies under the Canola/Flax Agri-Science Cluster of Growing Forward 1. The Hub’s content and capabilities will continue expanding to include results of new project as they’re finalized, and recommendations on best production practices gleaned from over 50 years of study. It will showcase agronomic research that grower dollars have contributed to throughout the years.

This research will also be utilized to achieve the higher yields that will be needed to meet the canola industry’s new production target of 52 bushels per acre by the year 2025. Research is helping the industry meet its goals and maximize profitability with projects in these four main areas: plant establishment, fertility management, integrated pest management and harvest management.

Funding for canola agronomic research is provided by the industry through the Canola Council of Canada, provincial canola grower organizations and government-backed RESEARCH PARTNERSHIPS.