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Leadership: Get Involved

Bold Action for Canola Farmers. It’s our vision because it’s what we do. Manitoba Canola Growers recognizes that the success of the canola industry hinges on strong leadership and support for canola from the time it is planted in the field to when it is consumed in the kitchen and all steps in between.

“If your action inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more you are a leader” — JOHN QUINCY ADAMS

Leadership is not tied to a specific title or the ability to exert power. Leaders can emerge at any level; they cultivate a desire in the people around them to all work toward a common goal.

Learn to Lead gives farmers the opportunity to expand the skills they need to lead and give back to their communities and the agriculture industry. This event has created a network of over 100 leadership alumni who are passionate about the agriculture industry. If you are interested in attending this event, please contact Corina Lepp

Hello Canola is a joint partnership between Alberta Canola, SaskCanola and Manitoba Canola Growers. Our aim is to bring Canadians closer to canola by instilling pride in, and increasing knowledge of, a crop that is sustainably grown here in Canada and in demand all over the globe. Canola, just for cooking oil? Not a chance. With a wealth of uses and applications in Canada and around the world, the crop is playing a bigger role in your daily life than you might’ve thought. Learn more on how together we are leading the conversation at

Manitoba Canola Growers Board of Directors is made up of eight farmers who represent the 7500 canola farmers in Manitoba. Four positions on the board are up for election every two years. For more information on the board and how you can let your name stand check out these links:

How to Become a Director

Job Description – Director of Manitoba Canola Growers

Board Structure and Committees

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality” — WARREN BENNIS