Farmer Surveys and Consultations

Manitoba Canola Growers are proud to represent a unified voice for canola farmers in Manitoba.  In addition to this large collective voice it is important for the voice of individual farmers to also be heard.

Below you will find current surveys or consultations requesting input from farmers.

Please take the time to share your thoughts on issues that impact you and your farm.

Purpose and Background of Survey

MCGA has been actively engaged with the Competition Bureau raising MCGA farmer members’ serious concerns about the potential merger between Bunge and Viterra, as the merger would substantially lessen competition among buyers and crushers, limiting farmer choice and potentially impacting price competitiveness. Directors have shared their concerns first-hand, and MCGA has also forwarded investigators to multiple farm groups in Manitoba and across Canada to ensure all farmers’ concerns are heard. MCGA surveyed members from October 5-25, 2023, and responses were compiled and anonymously submitted in a report to the organizations conducting the formal review.

Here is what we heard (click to review a summary of survey responses).

Consultation closed.

Purpose and Background of Survey

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) recent fertilizer emission reduction discussion document set a target of 30% below 2020 emissions by 2030. MCGA is diligently working alongside our provincial and national partners including Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA) to fully evaluate what is in the document.  You can read an overview shared by CCGA here, or listen to an interview on the topic here featuring CCGA’s Dave Carey.  MCGA will continue to be active in consultations and encourage farmers to share their voice.

Consultation closed.

Purpose and Background of Survey

As the price of carbon continues to rise, are you concerned with how it will affect the way you manage your farm? If so, please take part in the Crop Rotation Survey where we are quantifying the amount of carbon captured in Manitoba agricultural soils to help voice the sustainability of Canadian agriculture.

Consultation closed.