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Research Database

Manitoba Canola Growers works to fund, direct, develop and distribute practical, science-based research.


MCGA is strengthening its network of research collaborations, increasing the value for every research dollar. We are focused on building a better communication network with our members so the research results come back to the farm faster.


*This new research database will continue to be updated over time. Not all research funded by MCGA is archived on this page at this time.

Start year End Year Research Area(s) Title Researcher(s)
2018 2023 Agronomy Research, Diseases Improving the Management of Sclerotinia Stem Rot of Canola Using Fungicides and Better Risk Assessment Tools Thomas Kelly Turkington - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Lacombe) , Stephen Strelkov - University of Alberta, Michael Harding - Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Henry Klein-Gebbinck - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Beaverlodge), Breanne Tideman - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Lacombe), Greg Semach - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Beaverlodge), Charles Geddes - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Lethbridge), Henry de Gooijer - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Indian Head), Gary Peng - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Saskatoon), William May - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Indian Head), Dale Tomasiewicz - Canada-Saskatchewan Irrigation Diversification Centre, Ramona Mohr - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Brandon), Debbie McLaren - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Brandon), Denis Pageau - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Quebec), Barb Ziesman - Ministry of Agriculture (Saskatchewan), Syama Chatterton - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Lethbridge)
2018 2023 Animal Health Benefits of Canola Products Understanding the Impacts of Canola Meal on Gut Microbiota and Potential Prebiotic Effect of Enzymatically-released Bioactive Fiber Components and the Long Term Effects of High Levels of Canola Meal Inclusion on Sow and Litter Performance Bogdan A. Slominksi - University of Manitoba, Martin Nyachoti - University of Manitoba, Anna Rogiewicz - University of Manitoba, Ethan Khafipour - University of Manitoba
2018 2023 Diseases, Variety Assessment Canadian Canola Clubroot Cluster (C2): Developing Novel Resistance Resources and Strategies to Address the New Threat of Clubroot Canola Production on the Prairies Gary Peng - AAFC (Saskatoon), Fengqun Yu - Saskatoon Research and Development Centre (AAFC), Habibur Rahman - Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science (U of A), Rudolph Fredua-Agyeman - Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (Crop Diversification Center North)
2018 2023 Agronomy Research, Diseases Development of a Biosensor for Sclerotinia Stem Rot Disease Forecasting in Canola Xiujie Susie Li - InnoTech Alberta, Kelly T. Turkington - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Lacombe), Jian Yang - InnoTech Alberta, Jie Chen - University of Alberta
2018 2023 Animal Health Benefits of Canola Products, Canola Meal Accurate Determination of the Contribution of Canola Meal to Metabolizable Protein Supply in Dairy Cows Daniel Ouellet - AAFC (Quebec), Hélѐne Lapierre - AAFC (Quebec), Pekka Huhtanen - Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Édith Charbonneau - Université Laval
2018 2020 Diseases Canadian Canola Clubroot Cluster (C3): Host-pathogen Biology and Interaction Bruce D. Gossen - AAFC, Mary Ruth McDonald - University of Guelph, Gary Peng - AAFC (Saskatoon), Fengqun Yu - AAFC SRDC, Sheau-Fang Hwang - Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Stephen Strelkov - University of Alberta
2018 2023 Agronomy Research, Diseases Protection of Canola from Pathogenic Fungi Using RNA Interference Technologies Steve Whyard - University of Manitoba, Mark Belmonte - University of Manitoba, Mazdak Khajehpour - University of Manitoba, Dwayne Hedegus - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Saskatoon)
2018 2023 Animal Health Benefits of Canola Products, Canola Meal Evaluation of Canola Meal as Compared to Soybean Meal in Practical California Rations: Effects upon Long Term Lactational Performance, Reproductive Performance, and Metabolic Disease Peter H. Robinson - University of California (Davis), William Van Die - Cloverdale Dairy, Nadia Swanepoel - University of California (Davis)
2018 2023 Agronomy Research, Diseases Canadian Canola Clubroot Cluster (C1) Pillar 1: Integrated Disease Management Sheau-Fang Hwang - Alberta Agriculture and Forestry , Stephen Strelkov - University of Alberta, Rudolph Fredua-Agyeman - Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Bruce Gossen - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Saskatoon), Mary Ruth McDonald - University of Guelph
2017 2020 Agronomic Practices Compaction Impacts on Canola Establishment Curtis Cavers - AAFC (Portage La Prairie), Byron Irvine - Agricultural Credit Corporation, John Fitzmaurice - AAFC (Winnipeg), Lorne Grieger - PAMI