Canola Seeding Rate Trial

Research Question: Can Manitoba canola farms reduce their seeding rates without sacrificing yield to increase return on investment?


  1. Reduced Seeding Rate (75%)
  2. Standard Seeding Rate (100%) – Farm Normal
  3. High Seeding Rate (125%)

Trial Setup: Randomized complete block, each treatment was one equipment width x field length, with four replicates per location (12 strips per location)

Data Collection: Plant Counts (4 leaf and Maturity), Grain Yield

Click here to see full protocol.

Trial Results to Date:

Summary of 2022 – 2023 Trial Results

Click the Trial ID in the table below to view the full site report.

Plant Counts at 4-Leaf StageChange in Emergence from Standard Rate
Trial ID RMReducedStandardHighReducedHigh
SR_01 (2022)Swan Valley West5.1aⁱ5.3a6.3a+17-3
SR_03 (2022)Roblin6.2b6.4ab6.8a+16*-9*
SR_04 (2022)Brokenhead5.1b5.8b7.4a+21*0
SR_05 (2022)Two Borders8.7b8.7b10.8a+294
SR_06 (2023)Minitonas-Bowsman5.5b6.4b8.7a+9-5
SR_07 (2023)Rhineland6.1a6.4a7.4a+23-6
SR_08 (2023)Grey5.4b6.6b7.7a+10-7
SR_09 (2023)Morris4.5b5.3b6.6a+70
SR_10 (2023)Brenda-Waskada8.3a7.8a9.1a+32*-5
SR_11 (2023)Rhineland6.1c8.1b11.1a0+8
SR_12 (2023)Brokenhead4.5a4.9a5.5a+23-9
* indicates significant difference in treatments with p < 0.05

Grain Yield

  • Grain yield was not significantly influenced by seeding rate in this trial.
  • There was no significant relationship between plant counts and grain yield.

In Summary

  • All results presented are preliminary as these trials will continue in the 2024 and 2025 field seasons.
  • Manitoba canola farmers are successfully achieving the recommended plant population of 5-9 plants per square foot.
  • With no significant influence of seeding rate or plant stand on grain yield (within the range tested) there is opportunity for farms to reduce seeding rates to increase profitability per acre.
  • Additional considerations: risks associated with low plant populations outside of the scope of this trial include reduced competitiveness against field pests.



Funded in part by the Governments of Canada and Manitoba under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.


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