It was determined by the Board of Directors that country fairs are
an important part of Manitoba culture.  Over 1.9 million acres of canola is grown across the province and is part of Manitoba’s landscape.  Therefore, the Manitoba Canola Growers Association sponsors up to $50.00 towards local country fairs. 
Terms of Sponsorship:Upon receiving the $50.00 sponsorship the funds will be used for the baking contest prize monies and an advertisement in the Prize List/Fair Brochure.The fair will be responsible for:

  • Distributing prize money for the Manitoba Canola Growers Association Creative Canola Oil Baking Contest in the baking category and printing an advertisement in the Prize List/Fair Brochure.
  • Mailing the completed release form including the names of the winners along with a copy of their  recipes to the MCGA office.

Instructions for the Creative Canola OIl Baking Contest:

Manitoba Canola Growers Association will award the following prizes for (4 cookies, muffins, 1/2 loaf, etc…) of your favorite recipe that used canola oil or margarine:1st Prize:                            $10.002nd Prize:                           $6.003rd Prize:                            $4.00

  • Each entry must use 100% canola oil and/or canola oil margarine.
  • Each entry must be accompanied by the recipe.
  • All entries will be judged on appearance, taste and texture of the baking product.
  • Permission to use the winner’s name in advertising or publicity without payment must be provided to MCGA for all winners.

For more information contact:
400-167 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0T6
Phone: (204) 982-2122

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