Please note that this event is by invite only
If the agenda below interests you and you would like to attend this event please contact Roberta Galbraith
8:00- 8:30 Welcome to the Learn to Lead Program (MCGA Rep)
8:30-10:45 Vigilant Leadership: Bob Treadway, Futurist and Strategic Coach
Learn about what the future might hold for agriculture and how that is going to affect our realities today. This presentation will be bold, thought provoking and have you sitting on the edge of your seat!
10:45-11:00 Nutrition break
11:00-12:00 Leadership pays….
In this session fellow farm leaders will share their perspectives about how sharing their voice had a significant return on investment for themselves and their farm.
12:00-1:00 Lunch and networking
1:00- 2:15 Open Forum: Identifying the pressure points that affect your farm business
Moderated by strategic coach, Bob Treadway we will brainstorm the opportunities and challenges of your farm business (hint: think big picture). Capturing these topics and then filtering them into themes will lay the ground work for the next day and a half.
2:15-2:30 Nutrition break
2:30-4:30 Hitting the target!
Using small group work on a specific identified theme we will put our backcasting tools to use! The objective will be to create a plan for how we move the needle on getting involved and change the conversation.
5:30 – 8:00 Jodi Beach, Etiquette
Jodi Beach will explore first impressions and how that impacts our message. Tips to make the right impact; learn about how you dine, converse and dress and putting your best self out there!
With Special guests: JoAnne Buth, CEO of CIGI; Dori Gingera-Beauchemin, Deputy Minister of Manitoba Agriculture; and Catherine Scovil, Director, Government Relations CCGA.
Banquet and group photo to follow dinner.
Day 2:
8:30-12:00 Perfecting your Brand – Ellen Pruden and Jennifer Dyck, Canola Eat Well
The agriculture brand and the story we tell… everyone.
This session will be all about knowing your audience and how you engage with them to get your story across. Your Brand is the story you tell, how others perceive you and in turn how they can trust you, the food you grow and the industry you represent.
Conversations with Impact – JoAnne Buth,CEO CIGI; Dori Gingera-Beauchimen, Deputy Minister of Ag, Catherine Scovil, Ellen Pruden, Jennifer Dyck
This is an interactive session about developing strategic conversations that impact change. Whether that is the 30 second elevator speech, speaking at the grower group AGM or presenting to the standing committee on Agriculture, these experts will share with us how to be as impactful as possible. The objective is how to develop relationships with policy makers and become a trusted source so they can advocate for agriculture and ultimately your farm business.
12:00-1:00 Lunch and networking
1:00-2:00 Recap, Reflection and the Road Forward
2:00-2:30 Evaluation and Wrap up