MCGA is strengthening its network of research collaborations, increasing the value for every research dollar. We are focused on building a better communication network with our members so the research results come back to the farm faster.
*This new research database will continue to be updated over time. Not all research funded by MCGA is archived on this page at this time.
Start year | End Year | Research Area(s) | Title | Researcher(s) |
2016 | 2020 | Insects | Surveillance Networks for Beneficial Insects: Can Natural Habitats Serve as Insect Reservoirs, and Do They Contribute to Canola Yield? | Jessamyn Manson - University of Alberta, Paul Galpern - University of Calgary, Andony Melathopoulos - University of Calgary, Monica Kohler - Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Gregory Sekulic - Canola Council of Canada |
2013 | 2017 | Agronomy Research, Diseases | The Host-Pathogen Interaction of Plasmodiophora brassicae and Canola | Sheau-Fang Hwang - Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Stephen Strelkov - University of Alberta, Drs. Bruce Gossen and Hossein Borhan - AAFC Saskatoon, Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald - University of Guelph, Dr. Peta Bonham-Smith - University of Saskatchewan |
2021 | 2023 | Agronomy Research, Diseases, Insects | The role of insect feeding and plant defense responses in Aster Yellows disease epidemiology | Dr. Sean Prager - University of Saskatchewan, Dr. Tyler Wist - AAFC Saskatoon and Dr. Chrystel Olivier - AAFC Saskatoon |
2018 | 2023 | Animal Health Benefits of Canola Products | Understanding the Impacts of Canola Meal on Gut Microbiota and Potential Prebiotic Effect of Enzymatically-released Bioactive Fiber Components and the Long Term Effects of High Levels of Canola Meal Inclusion on Sow and Litter Performance | Bogdan A. Slominksi - University of Manitoba, Martin Nyachoti - University of Manitoba, Anna Rogiewicz - University of Manitoba, Ethan Khafipour - University of Manitoba |
2014 | 2017 | Agronomy Research, Diseases | Understanding the mechanisms for race-specific and non-specific resistance for effective use of cultivar resistance against blackleg of canola in western Canada | Gary Peng - AAFC Saskatoon |
2021 | 2025 | Agronomy Research, Diseases | Using avirulence markers to predict the phenotypes of clubroot pathotypes | Dr. Edel Perez-Lopez - University Laval, Dr. Stephen Streklov - University of Alberta, Dr. Tim Dumonceaux - AAFC Saskatoon and Dr. Jennifer Town - AAFC Saskatoon |
2015 | 2018 | Agronomy Research, Diseases | Using SNP markers to assess genetic variability of Plasmodiophora brassicae in Canada | Bruce D. Gossen - AAFC (Saskatoon), Drs. Gary Peng / Fengqun Yu - AAFC Sasktoon Dr. Mary Ruth McDonald - University of Guelph Dr. Stephen Strelkov - University of Alberta |
2013 | 2017 | Canola Meal, Market Development, Other Canola Products | Utilization of Modern High-Throughput Dry Fractionation Processing for Generation Protein and Fiber Enriched Fractions from Defatted Canola Meals and Evaluation of Resulting Fractions for Biodegradable Plastics | Dr. Curtis Rempel - University of Manitoba |
2013 | 2017 | Agronomic Practices, Agronomy Research | Variable N Fertility Management of Canola at the Field Scale, Based on Analysis of Yield Maps and Spatial and Statistical Variability of Soil Test N and P | Dr. Alan Moulin - AAFC (Brandon), Dr. Mohammad Khakbazan - AAFC (Brandon), Rejean Picard - Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives, Steve Sager - AAFC (Morden), Don Cruickshank - Deerwood Soil and Water Management Association, Ken Coles - Farming Smarter, Dr. Stu Brandt - Northeast Agriculture Research Foundation |
2018 | 2023 | Agronomy Research, Weeds | Weeding Out Secondary Dormancy Potential from Volunteer Canola | Sally Vail - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Saskatoon), Rob Gulden - University of Manitoba, Isobel Parkin - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Saskatoon), Steve Robinson - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Saskatoon), Steve Shirtliffe - University of Saskatchewan, Raju Soolanayakanahally - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Saskatoon), Belay Ayele - University of Manitoba |