Canola Phosphorus Source Trial

Research Question: What is the influence of Phosphorus (P) fertilizer sources on crop P availability, seed safety and yield for canola production across Manitoba soils.


Each farm chose whichever P sources were of interest to them to include in this trial.

  1. P Source 1 = Standard Rate
  2. P Source 1 = High Rate
  3. P Source 2 = Standard Rate
  4. P Source 2 = High Rate

Includes one replicated untreated control (no P) plot to characterize P responsiveness of field.

Trial Setup: Randomized complete block, each treatment was one equipment width x field length, with four replicates per location (12 strips per location)

Data Collection: Plant Counts, Emergence, P Tissue, Biomass (Rosette), Yield

Note: Due to challenges in handling and supply of P sources not all trial locations were able to test the exact same total P205 rates for the two fertilizer sources.

Click here to see full protocol.

2024 Results Summary

Click the Trial ID in the table below to view the full site report.

Trial ID (year)RMP Sources TestedTreatment Differences
PS_01 (2024)North NorfolkAPP (10-34-0)Alpine G22 (6-22-2)Yes
PS_02 (2024)GreyMAP (11-52-0)MST (9-43-0-16)No
PS_03 (2024)Swan Valley WestMAP (11-52-0)Crystal Green Synchro (8-40-5)No
PS_04 (2024)MorrisTopPhos (3-22-0-6)S15 (13-33-0-15)Yes

Funded in part by the Governments of Canada and Manitoba under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.